How to lose 7 kg in a week

Desire "Moderate" - a skeptic will notice when he finds out that in just one week you can lose 7 kg.

And will not believe in "miracles". The skeptic is wrong: after 7 days you will be able to claim the unspoken title of "Miss Grace".

You just have to be patient and work hard.

How to lose 7 kg in a week - some suggestions

how to lose 7 kg in one week

How to achieve ideal skin, how to lose 7 kg in a week - not all girls who are obese, or "Balzac" women who are "getting fat" are in their fifties.

For over a dozen years nutritionists have been puzzled about weight loss problems. But they all came to the same conclusion.

A balanced diet, daily exercise, and moderate physical activity - and overweight quickly begin to leave your body.

And on weekends - walk around the original place with a backpack on his back, take part in sports culture and sporting events.

It is impossible to lose weight just by avoiding high calorie foods. It is very important to include exercise as well. All these combinations will give excellent results.

Foods to lose weight fast - what to look for

There are rules set for weight loss, item number one is nutrition.

Many people think that this is just Hercules wheat flour in the morning, more vegetables throughout the day, low-fat dairy products - and no sweets, or almost none, to avoid fatty meats and smoked meats.

But who can endure such "torture" on their own body for a long time, when you always want to eat, and you want to lose 7 kg in a week.

One day passes, the other, and you, after waving at everything, return to the old way of life, feeding the body with foods that are forbidden during the diet. The so-called "damage" occurs.

You have forgotten your goal - how to lose 7 kg in a week. And after a few days, standing in front of the mirror, and staring at your figure, you realize that, unfortunately, "Miss Grace" - this does not apply to your skin.

Why is this happening? It has been scientifically proven that the human body needs a certain amount of carbohydrates, fats and other nutrients.

Without getting it for a certain period of time, the body uses its savings and experiences stress. Then, when you rest and eat, everything you want for so long, the accumulation process takes place.

The body recovers everything that has been lost and immediately tries to save it. As a result, your weight will increase by 2 kilograms compared to before losing weight.

It is very important to develop activities specifically for you, taking into account the needs of your body.

  • Start by making a rough plan over the period during which you will lose weight. In this case, such a plan should be developed for 7 days - for now. But if its implementation is successfully completed, then it is possible to develop a plan for a month, for six months. And you will not need it for a year, because a healthy lifestyle will be a simple necessity for you, and not compile a "plan by plan. "
  • Read expert literature on dietetics. It is better if the diet is developed by a dietitian.

And in just 7 days to lose a few extra pounds that ruin your figure.

Develop a daily diet to lose 7 kg in one week

dietary rules for weekly weight loss of 7 kg

The accumulation of fat in the body is done depending on the number of calories it contains. Fatty foods, baked goods, sweets in large quantities (I want and I will) with an erratic lifestyle lead to bad results - the wife of a classic merchant weighing 100 kilograms.

How to lose 7 kg in a week is a "sore eye" question that does not leave you alone. Let's think.

Losing weight in just a few days will help:

  • balanced, frequent and small portions of food fit the diet (but not to the point of exhaustion);
  • increase in vegetable and fruit diets;
  • adequate water intake (1. 5 to 2 liters per day).

What about your appetite? If you have chosen the right diet, then the feeling of hunger should not bother you.

Continue to feed your body with cereals from cereals: pearl barley, oatmeal, buckwheat (by the way, high in calories and very tasty), include lots of vegetables and fruits in your daily diet.

Moreover, in the summer the price is cheap, and saturated with essential nutrients for the body, vitamins, minerals.

Tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, raw and boiled beets, parsley, dill, celery, green onions, etc. - should always be present in your daily diet.

Salad seasoned with aromatic sunflower and olive oil. And without smoked meat, you will immediately forget about it, how at one time you forgot the cream cake, which is a favorite food.

Only rye bread, preferably not too soft, and in a reasonable amount.

The menu should be expanded for each day, taking into account all possible food dishes with daily use of salads. To achieve the cherished goal of losing weight, you just need to gain a little endurance and patience.

Daily physical education to achieve a cherished goal

Famous people and models have more than once a classic example of weight loss, appearing in front of fans with a new look after losing weight.

A normal woman gets an example to follow, but does not know how to lose 7 kg in a week.

For example, a famous singer, according to the magazine, was able to lose 35 kg in a month, and looked great on a TV screen.

But there are no special secrets to losing weight. In addition to a balanced diet, it is also necessary to develop daily physical education.

The morning should begin with a short warm-up, including:

exercise to lose weight weekly by 7 kg
  • is ​​running;
  • light physical training complex.

In the evening or immediately after work, it is useful to visit the gym. Here you can choose both strength training, which encourages strong fat burning, and fitness classes that strengthen and tighten muscle mass.

Mandatory jogging before bed. If there is no stadium or park nearby, you can make it around the house.

Dedicate your 45-60 minutes to daily workouts, and on the weekends you will see how physical education combined with a developed diet will make your figure slim, fit and attractive.

The heart beats faster, the whole body feels lighter, and you continue to follow the chosen path, already know how to lose 7 kg in a week.